Weleda Wild Rose Smoothing Eye Cream 10ml
Weleda Wild Rose Smoothing Eye Cream 10ml
Whether it’s too much emotion or too little sleep, your eyes can show how you feel. Wild Rose Smoothing Eye Cream includes time-honoured eyebright to soothe tired or irritated eyes, while organic musk rose seed oil has the special benefit of containing unsaturated fatty acids, perfectly suited to delicate skin, and helping to build up the hydrolipid mantle. The cream calms puffiness, softens first laugh lines and smoothes away dryness.
Aids skin’s growth processes, moisturises and smoothes dehydrated skin, softens first lines around the eyes and reduces puffiness. Ophthalmologically and dermatologically tested good compatibility for use around the eyes, even with contact lenses.
Certified natural, free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colourants or raw materials derived from mineral oils.